News story: Ready Set Teach Aid Rescues Student. Summary: Senior Cyn'torreya Smith was working as a teachers aid, and during lunch one of the students began choking. Smith rose to action and instead of telling someone else what was going on and saved the girl. Cyn'torreya Smith, Kelly Langdon, Moxie Maxwell, Jaime Maxwell, and Kris Higgins. I think that the first quote was really significant because it talks about how Smith was feeling during that moment. When most people who saw a chocking child would freak out Smith was confident and unafraid. The lead sentence made me want to keep reading because it gives me an idea of what the story is about without giving away what happens. Quote. Commentary/ review story: Colleges snoop through student socials. Summary: A commentary on the the fact that colleges looking at social media is wrong. In the story its mainly talks about how concerning it is that social media could be the one thing ...