Dispatch issue 4
News story: Ready Set Teach Aid Rescues Student.
Summary: Senior Cyn'torreya Smith was working as a teachers aid, and during lunch one of the students began choking. Smith rose to action and instead of telling someone else what was going on and saved the girl.
- Cyn'torreya Smith, Kelly Langdon, Moxie Maxwell, Jaime Maxwell, and Kris Higgins.
- I think that the first quote was really significant because it talks about how Smith was feeling during that moment. When most people who saw a chocking child would freak out Smith was confident and unafraid.
- The lead sentence made me want to keep reading because it gives me an idea of what the story is about without giving away what happens.
- Quote.
Commentary/ review story: Colleges snoop through student socials.
Summary: A commentary on the the fact that colleges looking at social media is wrong. In the story its mainly talks about how concerning it is that social media could be the one thing that doesn't let you go to your dream college.
Summary: A commentary on the the fact that colleges looking at social media is wrong. In the story its mainly talks about how concerning it is that social media could be the one thing that doesn't let you go to your dream college.
- none.
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- the first lead sentence made me want to keep reading because it i am concerned that one day i really smart people wont get into collage for the things they post.
- Statement.
Features/ entertainment: The rising "flex" culture changes customers purchases.
Summary: This story talks about the flex culture in Bowie. Students share how they flex with there designer clothes and items.
Summary: This story talks about the flex culture in Bowie. Students share how they flex with there designer clothes and items.
- Ethan Ramirez, Riley Hughes, Vincent Nguyen, and Jaqueline Gonzales.
- I think that the second quote that Riley Hughes said really shows how rich some students are at school. This really shows the diversity in Bowie money-wise.
- The lead sentence made me want to keep reading because I always see celeberties posting with there designer clothes and lamborghinis. And I even see girls posting in expensive stores acting like they own the world. The lead sentence is relatable so I kept reading.
- Quote.
Sports: Track team trains for a season of competition and victory.
Summary: Students share there experiences getting ready for their track season. In the article they touch on the fact that if a student doesn't stay in shape then it is harder for them to get into shape during the season.
Summary: Students share there experiences getting ready for their track season. In the article they touch on the fact that if a student doesn't stay in shape then it is harder for them to get into shape during the season.
- Rey Torres, Ashley Salas, and Jacy Lim.
- I think that The first quote is important because it shows how hard track students work because they need to be in shape for the season.
- I kept reading because of the lead quote. I like the lead quote because it shows how people don't realize how hard sports is until they actually do it.
- Quote.
In Depth Page: Global human rights violations and social issues lead student activists to take action by advocating on a personal level.
Summary: The Amnesty International Club focuses on global issues and how we as students can take action. While Action takes time and is one step at time, each step is important.
Summary: The Amnesty International Club focuses on global issues and how we as students can take action. While Action takes time and is one step at time, each step is important.
- Malaika Beg, Jake Stachura, Kam Magor, Rachel Chambers.
- I really like the quote about the staircase because its a really good visual that we need to take steps to ur goals not do one thing and expect a major outcome.
- The lead quote kept me reading because I know that a lot of students know something needs to be done, and the amnesty club is a great way to get students involved with the real world.
- Quote.
- My favorite picture is the picture of Brianna Acosta and her goat Hennessy.
- Its my favorite because I thought the goat was really cute and the pink coat the goat is wearing really pops compared to the other pictures.
- My least favorite picture is the picture of the librarian Tara Walker and the students Megan Shaver and Amara Robinson.
- I dont like this picture because its really dark and kinda muddy looking. I also dont like it because it looks like every other photo of students doing something.
- Overall I think that the photography is pretty good.
- think the best non photo graphic is the one that is connected to the story; "how compassion fatigue is taking over social media."
- i like it because it correctly portrays how it feels being on social media for so long and feeling drained.
- My least favorite non-photo-graphic is the one that us connected to the story "Businesses support any political charity of their choice."
- I didn't like it because it looks plain and boring.
- overall i liked the graphics because i think that the drawings have gotten better over time.
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