self portraits intro

1. Experiment with Lighting

2. Play With Backgrounds

3. Use your imagination! 
Environmental portraits:
Hands Up Who’s Heard Of ‘Environmental Portraits’? | STUFF FROM THE LOFT.
I like this picture because of all the cans of paint in front of him. I chose this picture because I thought it looked really cool and the colors were nice. 
Image result for environmental portraits
I like this picture because of how colorful her hair is. I chose to add this picture because of how vibrant it is compared to the other photo. 

Self portraits:
Image result for photography self portrait
I like this picture because its in black and white and it gives the picture a diffrent vibe from the rest. I chose the picture because of how creative it is. 
Related image
I like this picture because of the flowers and i chose it because her shirt matches the flowers and gives the whole picture a cohesive look. 

Casual Self portrait
Image result for casual self portrait photography
I really liked the background of the portrait and i chose it because the colors are really pretty nect to each other. 

Image result for casual self portrait photography
I liked this picture because its in the snow and i find snow to be really pretty in photography. I chose this image because of the intensity of the the jacket compared to the rest of the photo.

          I have a couple ideas for my self portrait. First i think that i will use the led lights in my room for some color for the image most likely purple because thats on of my favorite colors. Another idea i have is taking a couple of pictures of my friend with my cat because i love her so much. I want to take the environmental picture outside with flowers or at the mall. Another idea i have for the self portrait are fairy lights. I might take some picture of my sister for a casual portrait. 
