
Best of SNO reviews

Conan Gray’s tribute to teenage angst, ‘Kid Krow’ Lily Langstaff reviewed the album 'Kid Krow' by Conan Gray.   You cant really summarize music because it has so many interpretations. The writer still provides Conan Gray's life story and ties it into the album songs and how much emotion each song contains.   She breaks down the start of Conan Gray's career and explains the accomplishments he has achieved.   The writer never gave a numbered reflection but at the end she stated that she would be listening to this album repeatably, which is a positive review.   After reading the review I feel like I will be able to understand the music better and know what I was to expect.    there were no spoilers but she teased us with giving us an idea of what the songs were about, she did not copy-paste the lyrics of each song and call it a review.   The review was easy to read and it does a good job at keeping the reader in engaged. ‘Killing Eve’ returns with everyt

Movie Review

Link for my movie review:  Movie Review

Movie Review Preview and Prep

Movie Preview Little Women 1. Variety 2. Peter Debruge 3. I would give the review a 10 because it goes deep into every little detail about the movie. 4. I think the best part movie as a whole lives up to the books expectations. 5. One of the low points is that every time the movie is remade I feel like it strays more from the original. 6. " In the end, this latest version doesn’t have to hold up for 60 years. It’s enough that it plays well today, and a plus if young people are still watching it whenever someone decides to remake it for the next generation of little women." Fantasy Island 1. The Hollywood Reporter 2. John Defore 3. I would give this review a 9 out of ten because it was really good, but I had a hard time understanding if he liked the movie or not. 4. The best part of the movie is that its tied around the idea of being careful what you wish for.  5.One of the low points in the movies is that it doesn't feel like a movie but more like a series
here's the link to my car raid story:  Car Raid

newspaper design #1


sports warm up.

This is a part of a winning sports photography portfolio because it is always a tradition to throw water on the coach once they win, and capturing this moment in time is really crucial to convey the moment of victory.  The shutter speed of the picture is less than 1/200th of a second because you can still see motion in the image.  This is a key moment because once a team wins they only pour the water on the coach once. This moment is one of the best to capture because of how much movement and excitement is inside the image.  An advanced technique used is mood/emotion. You can tell that the moment the water was poured people are excited and happy.

Car Raid Preview

My subject is my dads car. Im going to try to do the car raid this weekend on the way to volleyball practice.  Why do you like trucks more than regular cars? Do you have any organizational system for your car? What is your idea of a clean car?  What do you like about having a big car? I want to write a lot of imagery and be able to describe what i'm seeing.